The 30-Day Challenge: Believe in The Plan, Believe in You.

Looking for more energy and strength, better sleep, decreased aches/pains, weight loss and overall better health? Fed up with fad diets, tired of ingesting gimmicky shakes and supplements, and done with calorie counting and starving yourself with the hope of looking and feeling better only to be disappointed with the results?
At The Exercise Coach®, we’ve met hundreds of people who have felt this way and decided to give the 30-Day Metabolic Comeback Challenge a try. Wow, were they ever happy they did! You can read about what it is, why it works, and how it helps in more depth, but perhaps hearing from real life people who took on the 30 Day Challenge and conquered it, will inspire you to take the challenge yourself!
“My goal was to change a lifetime of bad habits and adopt a healthier lifestyle. I needed structure, accountability, direction and motivation. The Exercise Coach® provided me with that. My strength is increased, my energy is returning and The Exercise Coach® has proved to be a vital step in achieving the health and well-being I’ve been seeking.”
T.W., 38, female // 30 Day Challenge Results: Lost 15.2 lbs, 5.5% body fat and increased Strength 26.7%
“I wanted to lose weight and take the 30 Day Challenge. I think I did pretty well, thanks! When’s the next one?”
B.B., 45, male // 30 Day Challenge Results: Lost 11 lbs. of fat, added 3.8 lbs. of muscle, dropped 3.2% in body fat.
“Sure losing weight would be nice but my health was the priority. I had started to accept not sleeping well was part of my life. I knew I needed to lower my blood pressure and other risk factors. 30 Days later I couldn’t believe how much better I slept, how much my blood pressure had dropped. My cardiologist couldn’t believe it either. He asked what did I do?!?! I told him I just took the 30 Day challenge at The Exercise Coach!”
T.L. 65, male // 30 Day Challenge Results: lowered B.P. from 145/100 (on medication) to 130/80 (no medication), improved cholesterol, fasting glucose and increased HDL cholesterol by over 20%.
“All my life I have dieted and exercised with results that went up and down. This is the first time in my life that I know for a fact I will become and stay fit for the rest of my life…The food leaves you feeling good with more energy than you ever expected. I’m never hungry, never feel like I overate or had too much salt. Every time I exercise I feel like I am getting stronger. I am not out of breath or have aches and pains when I climb stairs or walk up hills. The Exercise Coach® is truly the secret of life! I have finally found the fountain of youth!!”
K.R., 52, female // 30 Day Challenge Results: Lost 12.3 lbs and lost 3.1% body fat
These are just a sampling of the results people across the country have had with our 30 Day Challenge at The Exercise Coach®. Find even more success stories HERE. Believe me, after working hand-in-hand with real people with real issues no different than anyone else, it’s just incredible how much can be accomplished in only 30 Days!! Invest 30 days into yourself, rather than spend another month waiting, hoping and searching for another solution. Trust the plan and believe in yourself!!