You’ve seen our list of packaged foods approved 30-Day Metabolic Comeback Challenge™ for both Costco and Trader Joe’s. Today, we are sharing a few of the many items available to you at Whole Foods for your 30-Day Challenge.

From Top Left to Bottom Right:
Bulk Nuts – Whole Foods has a huge selection of fresh nuts. Go for the raw cashews, almonds, macadamias, or pistachios. Avoid any nuts with sweet or salty glazes.
Brat Hans Sausages – This company makes several kinds of sausages; most of which are approved for the 30 day comeback. They’ve got a great flavor and texture, and pair well with some eggs for breakfast.
Tessemae’s Balsamic Vinaigrette & Zesty Ranch Dressings – Tasty, ready-to-go salad dressings! Sometimes it’s nice to get a break from making your own.
Rao’s Marinara Sauce – This sauce has a healthy price tag, but can be a lifesaver if you are pressed for time to get a meal together. Pair this with some fresh ground beef and spaghetti squash for a great quick meal.
Shredded Coconut or Coconut Flakes – use these as a topping for some fresh fruit, or toast them fora nutty, crunchy snack.
Applegate Lunch Meats – this brand of deli meat contains no added sugars, additives, or thickeners. It’s a great choice for an easy protein source that won’t load you down with unwanted extras.
Canned Pink Salmon – another great protein source in an easy package to pop open and enjoy. Mix with some homemade paleo mayo, chopped celery, raisins, and grapes for a quick lunch!
Coconut Aminos – this soy sauce alternative is perfect to make salad dressings or your favorite stir-fry. Try a stir-fry over cauliflower rice during your 30-day Metabolic Comeback™!
Harissa – this garlic chili paste is a great choice to add some zing to your eggs, roasted root veggies, or sauces. Just because your are eating your best for 30 days doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice flavor!
Pacific Bone Broth – this brand is a great choice for your stocks as there are no hidden sources of sugar or other unnatural additives.
Pederson’s Uncured, No-Sugar Added Smoked Bacon – finding a brand of bacon with no added sugars can be a challenge. Many Whole Foods stores carry this elusive brand, so if your local store does, make sure you bring some home!
Grind-Your-Own Nut Butters – fresh almond, cashew, or sunflower butter can be a tasty treat during your 30-day Comeback. Grinding your own at the store is a great way to ensure that your nut butter doesn’t contain added hydrogenated oils, sugars, or complex flavor enhancers found on many store-bought nuts. Go for raw, unsalted or lightly salted with sea salt nuts when you grind your own butter.
*Update Jan 2017: We know there are many new products available all the time, and the list above is a selection of products available at the time this post was published.
Let Whole Foods Help You!
Still need more guidance? Many Whole Foods stores offer a concierge personal shopping service where they work with your specific dietary needs and preferences to get your groceries all ready to go for you! They even deliver to your door if you ask them to!
Additional Resources:
30-day Metabolic Comeback™ approved foods at Costco
Our 30-Day Metabolic Comeback Challenge Pinterest Board
30-day Metabolic Comeback™ approved foods at Trader Joe’s
What Should Be On My Plate? (Printable Download)