You’ve seen our list of packaged foods approved 30-Day Metabolic Comeback Challenge™ for both Costco and Trader Joe’s.  Today, we are sharing a few of the many items available to you at Whole Foods for your 30-Day Challenge. 30 DAY METABOLIC COMEBACK™ APPROVED ITEMS AT WHOLE FOODS From Top Left to Bottom Right: Bulk Nuts – Whole Foods has a huge selection … Read more


JEFF AND STACI TAKE THE 30-DAY METABOLIC COMEBACK™ CHALLENGE Meet Jeff and Staci Goldman.  Jeff, along with his brother Kevin, recently opened the doors of The Exercise Coach – West Bloomfield in the Detroit, Michigan area. Before launching their new studio, Jeff and Staci decided to put into practice what we at The Exercise Coach® teach our clients … Read more

What is the Metabolic Comeback?

Is your metabolism functioning at its optimum potential?  Are you looking to improve digestion, lower blood sugar levels, lose bloat, and feel your best?  The Exercise Coach has designed a simple wellness and weight loss solution called The Metabolic Comeback™. The Metabolic Comeback is a uniquely designed process that will absolutely maximize exercise and nutrition success … Read more

The Conundrum of Calories: Why Weight Loss is Not As Simple As Calories In / Calories Out

For years healthcare professionals pushed the idea that weight loss was as simple as eating less and exercising more. The thinking went something like this: Our basal metabolic rate determines the number of calories our body needs on a daily basis.  If we take in fewer calories than what we need, our body will use … Read more

7 Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight

So, you want to be slimmer and tone your body but your weight just won’t budge. There are few things more frustrating than that. Consider the following 7 “Weight Loss Limiters” and discover what could be squelching your results. Limiter #1: Your Mind  Your mind is your greatest asset for achieving any goal. However, until … Read more

Why Transforming Your Health Transforms Your Waistline

For years people have been told that losing weight is all about willpower.  However, those who have tried many different strategies with mixed results have realized it’s more than just willpower.  Hormones, genetics, medications, underactive thyroids, age, stress, and specific health issues are some of the many reasons why we gain weight and have trouble losing it. … Read more

Lose 5% of your body weight and feel like a million bucks

There are not too many things that feel as good as making real progress.  The simple act of checking something off of your to-do list creates real changes in brain physiology that make the practice downright addictive.  This dopamine release in response to task completion has been called the “jackpot” effect.  Our brains feel really … Read more

The 30-Day Challenge: Believe in The Plan, Believe in You.

Looking for more energy and strength, better sleep, decreased aches/pains, weight loss and overall better health?  Fed up with fad diets, tired of ingesting gimmicky shakes and supplements, and done with calorie counting and starving yourself with the hope of looking and feeling better only to be disappointed with the results? At The Exercise Coach®, … Read more

Mastering Your Strength Training Intensity for Excellent Fitness Results

It’s certainly no secret that strength training is highly recommended. Research shows that strength training improves muscular strength, endurance, bone density, metabolism, joint stability, cardiovascular health, and many other things.  With so many positive benefits available, why wouldn’t we want to strength train? Anything worth doing is worth doing well.  So to strength train properly, we’re going to have to tackle the topic of … Read more