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See why The Exercise Coach is effective for men and women.

Proven Fitness Solutions
for Men
Busy Schedule?
Are you a busy man who values your time? You no longer need to waste hours in the gym for maximum health and fitness benefits.
The number one obstacle health-conscious men face busyness. Work and family obligations make it virtually impossible to stick with traditional workouts. Fortunately, high-efficiency strength training, guided by a certified Exercise Coach®, can help you safely meet your body’s requirements for exercise. Our approach is based on the science which proves quality matters much more than quantity. Our coaches use data and technology to optimize your effort and get you the results you want fast. All it takes is one or two, 20-minute workouts per week. You will see results within your first few sessions. Experience the difference a 20-minute workout can make in your life.
Hate the Gym Scene?
Typical gyms are loud, crowded, and dominated by fitness fanatics. We have built a private, studio training solution that men love.
We all know that once we hit 40 things start to change. Men begin losing the muscle and energy they have if they don’t do something about it. Research shows that proper strength training is like a fountain of youth for men. However, the gym isn’t exactly the most welcoming place to visit for men who are trying to turn back the clock. That’s why we created a private, professional studio fitness experience. Your time at an Exercise Coach® studio is focused 100% on your results. Our clients get in, get an excellent workout, and get out in 20-minutes. There is no wasted time, no annoying crowd, and no fighting for the next machine you need. Each workout is guided by an expert coach using the most sophisticated, personalized strength technology in existence – Exerbotics®.
Want to Age Healthy & Strong?
What matters more than your health? A 20-minute workout is all it takes to stay active and enjoy the prime of your life.
The top markers of healthy aging for men are strength and muscle mass. This is why we are so focused on strength training at The Exercise Coach. It’s not that we want to turn our clients into muscle-heads. We know that building better, healthier muscles have a ripple effect on the whole body. From age 40 on men lose significant amounts of muscle mass each decade. The good news is that this muscle loss can be reversed and when it is men experience profound health and fitness transformation. Our style of strength training is not uncomfortable or archaic. We use the most advanced strength training technology available. Our coaches measure your unique needs, and then our technology generates workout targets that are just right for you. Each workout our real-time, digital feedback, shows you exactly how hard you should work. Within weeks you will be restoring strength and muscle mass which leads to more energy, cardiovascular health, blood-sugar improvements and more. It only takes a 20-minute workout to make sure that you continue to do your part to get the most out of the life you have been given.
Health Conditions or Injuries?
Too many men feel that they are too far gone for a great workout. Our proven protocols and knowledgeable coaches can accommodate any ability for a health and fitness turnaround.
Most men over the age of 50 have some chronic health condition or orthopedic limitation. Conventional exercise is incapable of accommodating many of these challenges. It’s just not precise enough. We have created unique protocols using state of the art technology that makes total-body muscular and cardiovascular conditioning possible for men who have bad knees, backs, and shoulders, as well as those with metabolic conditions like high-blood pressure and diabetes. Our breakthrough approach focuses every bit of our clients’ effort right where it should be – on their muscles not on their joints. We even have specialized technology and workouts that are science-based and proven to address things like lower back weakness, hamstring tightness, and shoulder immobility. Men that have been on the fitness sidelines for fear of adding insult to injury can now experience maximum gain without unnecessary pain. And, it still only takes 20-minutes per workout for full results.
See What They Have to Say
Thomas W., DO, MPH
Michael E., M.D.* Best Selling Author, Protein Power
Waide M., D.C. – Hope Chiropractic
Randal K., M.D. – WomanCare
John B. – Lake Zurich
Robert P. – Lake Zurich
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Our workouts are designed for your body and your busy schedule. Visit us and discover a simpler path to fitness.