Pat J. – Lake Barrington

I am a long-time client of The Exercise Coach – twice a week for approximately 20 minutes a session. I love the concept of the slow movement that really challenges your muscles without the advantage of momentum. This same approach also discourages injuries. My trainer varies the routine so I never get bored. He always … Read more

Jane E. – Schaumburg

I started with The Exercise Coach on February 15, 2012. In 2011, I had two knee replacements. Prior to my first visit, my cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose and A1C levels were all elevated. Already on medication to manage my blood pressure and Type 2 Diabetes, I was facing additional medication to manage my cholesterol. … Read more

Patti C. – Scottsdale

I am a senior with multiple medical problems which include a reduced lung capacity and a neck fusion which has left me unable to lift my head to a neutral position. Traditional physical therapy and most of my physicians have given up on my ever being “normal” in those two areas. The Exercise Coach saw … Read more

Kevin F. – Scottsdale

I have not had a regular workout routine in over 15 years, mainly due to work constraints and a busy lifestyle. I was looking for a gym that offered personal training when I stumbled upon The Exercise Coach. I was sold day one when I spoke to Amanda and she explained how the 20 minute, … Read more

Robert K. – Libertyville

The Exercise Coach is a good place to change from a 98 pound weakling into the athlete you always wanted to be. Over the last year I have added muscle while losing weight. A terrific combination for me. Via a computer screen attached to each piece of weight lifting equipment, you receive visual feedback as … Read more

Jeri P. – Libertyville

I have tried and quit more exercise programs than I can remember. I get bored or fail to see results and just give up, or they require so many hours of my time that I just can’t manage. The Exercise Coach is different. Two 20 minute workouts a week, four free sessions to try before … Read more

Lisa W. – Scottsdale

I love the fast but challenging workouts at The Exercise Coach. I can always count on TEC to work around my hectic schedule and take no excuses for missing workouts! Over the last six months, I have reached several goals through the expertise and encouragement of the staff. Each time I reached a goal, they … Read more

Sue M. – Vernon Hills

I’ve been going to The Exercise Coach since October 2014 and see a great difference in my muscle tone and strength. I no longer have a “middle age jiggle” in my thighs and feel more toned overall. The staff at The Exercise Coach in Bannockburn is amazing. If something hurts, they know how to best … Read more

Craig C. – Scottsdale

As a young professional in my early 40’s, time for exercise is becoming more and more challenging. I am thrilled to have found The Exercise Coach because I get all the results I need in less than an hour per week. The program and staff are amazing and I could not be more satisfied.

Stacy M. – Lake Forest

I am 41 years old and have moderately worked out on-and-off my whole life. I was introduced to The Exercise Coach in Bannockburn by a dear friend. I have been coming here for 6 weeks (12 / 20-minute workouts total) and I feel stronger than I have in a decade! This really works and I’m … Read more