Patti C. – Scottsdale

I am a senior with multiple medical problems which include a reduced lung capacity and a neck fusion which has left me unable to lift my head to a neutral position. Traditional physical therapy and most of my physicians have given up on my ever being “normal” in those two areas. The Exercise Coach saw my problems as a challenge, not as hopeless, so I started their fitness program. It is now 6 weeks later and I have seen a marked improvement, not just with my neck and lungs, but with my entire body. My muscle strength and flexibility are better than they have been in years. I’m not nearly as short of breath as I was 6 weeks ago and can even manage a moderate walk, which was impossible before. Best of all, my head is up higher than any time since my surgery. I have more work to do but I call my improvement so far nothing short of a miracle for me. I have also enjoyed and appreciated the encouragement and friendship of the staff, which makes a huge difference when you are struggling to make it through an exercise. They truly care. I have great hope, now, for my future instead of the hopeless feelings I had before beginning with The Exercise Coach. I have gone from hating any form of exercise to eagerly looking forward to every session. Amazing! Joining The Exercise Coach is the best thing any senior can do for themselves to help have a better life.