Jeff A., Ballantyne, NC

My wife and I have been working out at The Exercise Coach for two years. The first three times the 30-day Metabolic Comeback Challenge was offered I wanted nothing to do with it. At 64 years old I felt I was in pretty good shape, enjoyed eating what I wanted and had no desire to give up my happy hours. Well… truth is I had developed some bad eating and drinking habits, gained a fair amount of weight, and my sleep was anything but sound. My wife and I decided to give it a shot. I went into this challenge very positive and truly wanted to see what I could accomplish in a month. We gave up our pasta, bread, dairy, processed foods, added sugar, and alcohol. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be, and I did start to see changes. My mind was clearer, my sleep quality improved, my taste buds started to appreciate healthy foods and I generally felt better about myself. The results were a total wake up call for me. I lost 17 pounds and inches off my measurements. My memory is as sharp as it’s been in years and I want to continue on this path. I wish I had done this years ago, but as they say “Better late than never.