Casey – Libertyville

My Name is Casey. I am 18 years old. When I was six months old I was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. I was told I would probably never walk or lead a normal life. When I was little, I would have to use walking aids to be able to stay on my feet. I was in constant pain everyday. Every morning I would get out of bed, and lean over my desk like an old man. I had a bar in my shower to grip onto and lean. Since starting THE EXERCISE COACH in August 2012, my walking has greatly improved. I no longer need to walk with a cane or need to use the bar in my shower to hold onto. This program has changed my life. Being at the disadvantage that I am, I could never play contact sports for a long period of time. Now, I am able to play longer games with my friends and family. I no longer feel insecure about walking in public. There are noticeable differences with every session. I do not know where I would be physically right now if it were not for THE EXERCISE COACH.