The Exercise Coach

Friendly, Knowledgeable Coaches

Starting healthy workout habits requires direction and a plan you can believe in.  For many of us, it takes the accountability and motivation of encouraging guide.  We have been in the business of fitness guidance for nearly 20 years and have learned exactly what it takes to help people get the results that matter most to them.  The professionals you meet in our private studios are there to cater to your individual needs. Every Exercise Coach® is trained and certified in our fitness method and has committed to providing safe and effective workouts to all our customers.  Our coaches are here to offer you their knowledge and make you feel comfortable, confident and cared for.  The five critical characteristics of an Exercise Coach® are empathy, enthusiasm, professionalism, methodological command, and client session leadership.

Teamwork is also necessary for us to keep up our standard of customer service. Our coaches are interchangeable because they are all carefully trained to execute your custom workouts.  This gives you maximum scheduling flexibility because you aren’t limited by complying with one personal trainer’s schedule.

We’re passionate about the power of our protocols and even more passionate about helping you change your life through intelligent and efficient exercise. 

Try two sessions for free.

Visit one of our 200+ locations to see if The Exercise Coach is a good fit for you.


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