For All Fitness Levels
Whether you have never worked out, it has been a while, or you are trying to take it to another level our coaches can help.
The misconception that they need to get into better shape to start working out sidetracks many people. With our help, this could not be further from the truth. We understand why someone would think this. Conventional fitness programs require a relatively high fitness level just to get started and may not be able to accommodate the full range of challenges that especially people over 50 can be experiencing.
Our technology-enabled coaches use a personal training method that begins with the sensitive measurement of each client’s current fitness level. Based on this information we provide ability-based exercise guidance that is just right for any fitness level.
Our coaches are passionate about creating programs that conform to the needs of our customers and provide the catalyst to get moving in the right direction towards life-changing results.
Every day across the country we work with people who have not stepped foot in a gym for ages. They are pleasantly surprised to find our studios and staff to be elegant and uplifting. We especially love when we have the privilege of working with people that have never started or stuck with an exercise program.
The individualized nature of our personal training is such that more advanced trainees love our workouts too. There is nothing like the Exerbotics resistance training technology we use. It is so intelligent that it accommodates everybody in just the right way and new to exercise enjoy it and so do those who have tried everything and are looking for something new.