Pam B. – Lake Zurich

When I first started at The Exercise Coach I really thought it was too good to be true. How could I benefit from two 20 minute workouts a week? After six months I had my answer. I couldn’t believe how good I felt. I was firmer, I lost inches, and my chronic back and neck pain disappeared. Being in my 50’s, I thank God every time I hear someone talking about their aches and pains because I literally do not have any to mention. And, I have tons of energy. It’s hard to explain, but I just feel like I carry myself better. My mom has osteoporosis too so that has been a concern, but I have been tested and my bones are very dense thanks to strength training. We lose muscle so quickly as we age and I’ve learned that strength training is the only way to eliminate that problem. I love my active lifestyle and want to maintain it so I am an Exercise Coach lifer!